About Science Me

Planet Earth

New Zealand


House Roof

Living Room

Hair Under Microscope

Oh. Hello.

My name is Rebecca, or Becky, or Bec, or Brrrkakaka if you just like making silly noises. I'm a writer in New Zealand, the land of zeal. By day, I write non-fiction like the stuff you see here; by night, I beaver away at science fiction when everyone else thinks I'm masturbating (joke's on them).

I started my writing career in 2005 as a financial journalist in London, my port of origin. After migrating to Auckland, I created my first website, World of Lucid Dreaming. It was drawing 4 million users a year when I stopped work to have a baby, whom we unironically named Fox, and endured a brief four-year bout with PPD.

I also started the website Sheltie Planet which came to top its niche (if you think the global industrial Shetland Sheepdog complex is small, think again). In 2016, I sold WOLD to new management, created Science Me, and started a Zoology degree for the evolution. Later, as the courses honed in on specifics like tapeworm anatomy, I switched to a Biology major for the genetics; the great-granddaughter of evolution.

After that I had a daughter named Kea and spent some time with PPD lite. This year I finished a comedy sci-fi screenplay called Parallel, about a night janitor at a physics lab who travels to a parallel universe and steals his best life as a Hollywood action star. Given how hard it is to get a movie produced, I'll just upload it on Science Me so at least some of my Superfans can enjoy a giggle.

At home, I'm a whimsical 41-year-old child who draws, plays piano, argues at chess puzzles, makes amigurumi, and keeps a Pomeranian named Rosie. Fox and Kea are at the center of my universe and are the funniest, most scrobliest people I know. Their Dad, Pete, is a multi-talented literal giant who created the video game, Battlecruisers.

Hey, I just had a great idea! You should click this link and see where it leads! I'm also delighted if you want to follow me down the street online with these buttons:

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